Small Changes. Global Impact.

Building a global business community.


A not-for-profit organisation committed to make business easier for the global community and building a sustainable world.


We aspire to build a system of shared resources, expertise and acumen to help establish and scale businesses globally.

Core Values

Promotion of sustainable development by providing business services for the progress of entrepreneurship, international trade relations, and business innovation.






Business Opportunities

ECCI works to promote a global network of business leaders, countries and organisations working together to drive economic growth through a number of shared services, advocacy & events. To this effect, we help representatives from different businesses and countries connect with each other to find and offer business opportunities that support inclusivity and sustainability.

We’re always open to sharing our resources and expertise with our esteemed partners and members of ECCI to help them find global business opportunities focused on the listed sectors.

Ensuring growth-based opportunities that is in sync with our values and mission in key areas including

In Association with


Network Countries

ECCI Network Countires



EnGlobal featured Fiji in the July issue of their Magazine. We have found EnGlobal Chamber of Commerce & Industries to be a professional and premier organization with a multitude of events and outreach that have opened many doors for networking and business opportunities for us. Pleasure working with the ECCI!


ECCI published an article on Costa Rica and the investment and trade opportunities with our country in the June 2022 edition of its EnGlobal magazine. We were also introduced to an Indian construction company interested in participating in the construction of infrastructure projects in our country and the Latin American region.


Our embassy is happy to collaborate with ECCI on promotion of Mongolia. Mr. Rajiv Goel and Mrs. Parul are doing a great job. I’m happy to unveil the magazine that is dedicated to Mongolia and I hope we can encourage businessmen to come to Mongolia. I hope our cooperation will flourish in the future.

New Zealand

Business groups and peak bodies play a hugely important role in bringing the word out and strengthening business ties with different countries. We believe that ECCI is doing a great job in that and it’s an honour for us to be featured in the magazine.